Tipping in Mexico: Who to Tip & How Much
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When it comes to tipping in Mexico, there’s a lot to consider. Who is expecting a tip? How much should you give? Which currency should you use?
These are questions that come up all the time.
Below, I’ll go over who and how much to tip in Mexico.
I’ve done my best to include everyone I’ve encountered in Mexico who is expecting a tip, a few people you might feel inclined to tip but shouldn’t, and guidelines for figuring out how much to give them.
Everyone has their own tipping philosophy. Do what feels right to you. I tip in line with what my local friends tell me is standard because that feels good to me. I wrote this guide based on my experience of Mexico’s tipping culture.
With those basics out of the way, let’s talk about who to tip and how much!

Tipping Food Service Providers
Tipping in Restaurants
It’s customary to tip 10-20% in restaurants in Mexico. Servers in Mexico are typically paid a low wage with the expectation that it will be supplemented with tips.
With this in mind, I like to tip closer to the top of this range when I have great service (which, honestly, is most of the time).
If you are paying your bill with a card the logistics of leaving a tip are slightly different than back home.
The server will ask if you want the bill closed: cuenta cerrada. If you plan to leave a cash tip and pay with your card, say Si, cuenta cerrada, and leave your desired tip in cash on the table.
If you wish to tip with your card, tell the server the tip percentage you wish to leave. For example, if you wish to leave 15%, say quince por ciento de propina.
The server will usually then confirm the amount of the tip (in pesos), and then the total of the final bill.
Occasionally, a server will add the gratuity to the bill for you, so always check your bill before you pay.
This shouldn’t happen… but in some touristy areas, servers will seize the opportunity to skim a few extra pesos in tips off of their tables.
This attitude sucks, but remember, the wages are very low, and people have families to support. So, be sure to check your bill. If a gratuity has been added, don’t leave an additional tip.
Street Food Stands
It’s not standard to tip street food vendors, though some of them will have a tip jar. If there happens to be a jar I tend to toss a few pesos in, but if not I generally don’t tip.
Plan to tip bartenders a few pesos initially and then a few more periodically throughout the night, say 10 to 20 pesos.
If you’re at a sit-down style bar, just add the tip to your bill at the end of the night as you would in a restaurant.

Tipping Transportation Providers
Taxi Drivers
It’s not standard to tip taxi drivers in Mexico. But, if they help me with my luggage or do something extra other than simply driving from point A to point B, I will tip them.
I always recommend asking how much the driver will charge for the ride before you agree to get in the taxi. If you don’t, some taxi drivers will try to bump up the price because they know they can probably get away with it.
For instance, I once caught a taxi during rush hour without agreeing on a price in advance. I got in and expressed my gratitude to the driver for stopping because I’d been waiting for so long (foolish).
Then when I asked how much he’d charge to get to my destination, he gouged me for ⅓ above the usual price because he knew I wouldn’t want to take my chances waiting for another taxi. Don’t be like me!
On the flip side, there are tons of super helpful taxi drivers. Like the one who drove me and a few friends home from a boozy night on the town.
After dropping us off he noticed a group of men approaching and rolled the window down and told us to get in again. We did, and he drove us around the block until they were gone and we could safely unlock our door and go inside.
Uber Drivers
Since tipping taxi drivers isn’t customary in Mexico, I don’t tend to tip Uber drivers either unless they go out of their way to help me with something. However, the functionality is built into the app, so you can tip easily if you want to!
Shuttle Drivers
It’s standard to tip shuttle drivers in Mexico. The amount should depend on the level of service they provide, but 10 to 50 pesos is reasonable, with 50 being quite generous.
If your driver helps you with your bags definitely be sure to tip him toward the higher end of the scale.
Taxi Stand Attendants
If you catch taxis from taxi stands on the street or in shopping malls, there is usually an attendant of some sort there who will help you find a taxi and load your bags into it.
It’s customary to tip these people a few pesos for their trouble. I usually give 5 to 10 pesos.
Sometimes the attendants will go out of their way to help you. They might run around and track down a taxi for you, or help you load a ton of luggage or shopping bags into the car.
Other times they just point to a taxi for you.
I tend not to tip in the latter situation, but if they do anything more, it’s definitely good to tip them.

Tipping Hospitality Workers in Mexico
Hotel porters
Plan to tip hotel porters who help you with your bags. I suggest 10 to 50 pesos total depending on the distance they have to walk and the number of bags you have, etc.
If you don’t happen to have change on you at the time (it happens!) try to make a point of slipping a tip to the person who helped you after you’ve tracked some down.
It’s normal to tip concierge staff if they’re helping you make the most of your trip. The amount you tip them is totally up to you, and it’s not mandatory or even expected, but it’s always appreciated. Tip based on the level of service you are receiving.
Housekeeping staff
Tipping housekeeping staff is a nice gesture. I like to leave the equivalent of about 50 pesos per day at the end of my trip. If you’re a particularly low-maintenance guest, you may wish to leave less. Anything is appreciated!
Tour Guides
Tipping tour guides in Mexico is customary if you’re happy with the service. The amount will vary depending on the price of your tour.
A good rule of thumb is to tip 10% of the cost of the tour. I like to tip more if the guide is particularly helpful or engaging.
Don’t forget to pack some coins and small bills to tip servers and other people who may help out along the tour.
While the cost of meals or drinks may be covered, it’s nice to have some cash to tip servers, bartenders, or drivers.
Tipping at All-Inclusive Resorts in Mexico
Tipping is crucial at all-inclusive resorts (unless you happen to be staying at a no-tipping resort).
Many different hotel employees are sure to help you out throughout the day, so be sure to have some small bills on hand.
Tipping bar staff 100 to 200 pesos at the beginning of each day is a good rule of thumb, as they’ll look after you all day.
They’ll do everything from finding you the best loungers, checking on your drink status consistently, and serving you generous pours.
You should also plan to tip your servers at restaurants in all-inclusive resorts. I recommend 20 to 50 pesos per meal, or more if you’re in a big group since they’ll have to make more trips to run the food and drinks.

Other People To Tip in Mexico
Grocery Store Baggers
The baggers in grocery stores in Mexico aren’t employees of the store and don’t receive a wage. They work solely for tips, so don’t overlook them. I usually tip them 5 to 10 pesos, or more if I have a lot of groceries.
If you don’t have any coins the cashier will usually help you break down a larger bill so you can tip the baggers.
Gas Station Attendants
Gas stations in Mexico are full-service and the attendants will expect a tip. Plan to tip 5 to 10 pesos, or more if they go above and beyond for you.
Don’t be afraid to ask them to check your oil levels, wash your windshield, or check your tire pressure. If the attendant does all of those things you can tip them even more, but about 10 pesos seems standard in my experience.
Parking Lot Attendants
In some places, you may encounter parking lot attendants who help you find a free space or help you navigate into a parking space.
These people generally aren’t employed by anyone, they just perform the service in hopes of earning tips.
Not everyone tips them, but you can if you find them helpful. About 5 pesos is pretty standard.
Windshield Washers
You may notice that at some stoplights, there are people who will run out and wash car windshields during red lights.
They will expect tips. If you don’t want to tip them or don’t have any change, just wave your hand letting them know that you’re not interested. Sometimes they will insist and wash your windshield anyway.
If you have a dirty windshield, this service can come in handy! If you opt for it, it’s standard to tip 5 to 10 pesos.
Street Performers
You’re also likely to encounter street performers at intersections. I’ve seen everything from clowns and mimes to people juggling knives, blowing fire, and walking on stilts.
These people are working hard to entertain you in the hopes of earning tips. It’s standard to give 5 or 10 pesos, but if you don’t have any change, don’t feel bad.
Bathroom Attendants
A lot of public restrooms in Mexico have a fee — usually 3 to 5 pesos. In some cases, the fee is “suggested,” and other times it’s required.
Sometimes there is no fee, but you will encounter women in the restroom handing out toilet paper and paper towels and performing light cleaning. It’s customary to tip these women a few pesos. I usually give them 5-10 pesos.
If you happen to need a bathroom but don’t have change handy, I’ve found that the attendants are pretty forgiving about waiving the fee if you ask nicely.
I’ve also found that other women in the bathroom line are happy to spot me in these instances, so don’t be afraid to ask.
Hair stylists
Just like back home, it’s standard to tip hair stylists. I usually tip 10-20% of the service cost, but of course, it’s up to your discretion
Tipping in spas
Tipping in spas is also standard. If you go for a manicure, a massage, etc., a 10-20% tip is standard.
Tipping bar bands and performers
Bar performers usually earn a small nightly stipend, but they really rely on tips to augment their wages. If you’re at a bar or restaurant and happen to enjoy the tunes, make a point of handing a tip to the musicians.
Sometimes, they’ll come around with a cup and ask for tips, but don’t hesitate to approach them if they don’t. I’d tip a bar performer at least $50 pesos for the set, but give more if you want to!
Another type of performer you’ll encounter is street performers who wander into restaurants and play songs on request in exchange for tips.
These performers can be hit or miss in terms of quality, but they’re hard workers. I typically give them a minimum of 10 pesos. Again, feel free to give more if you want to!

Notes on handling money in Mexico
Currency in Mexico
The national currency in Mexico is the Mexican peso, denoted with a dollar sign ($). This undoubtedly leads to a brief moment of panic the first time you withdraw cash in Mexico. Rest assured, the amount you see on the screen is in pesos, not dollars.
There are a lot of opinions out there on the internet about whether it’s better to carry US dollars or pesos in Mexico. As far as I’m concerned, the official currency is pesos, so it makes sense to carry pesos.
It’s easy to withdraw money at ATMs throughout Mexico. Just be sure to use ATMs that are associated with a bank and located in a bank or a supermarket. This way they are monitored and unlikely to have been tampered with.
The word for ATM in Spanish is cajero. If you need to ask where an ATM is, say: Dónde está un cajero?
As you’re about to learn, there are a lot of people in Mexico who will be expecting tips from you. Be sure to carry small bills and change at all times.
Seriously. I know it’s annoying to have a bag of change in your purse all the time but trust me, you’ll be glad to have it when the time comes.
Related Reading: Money in Mexico: Tips for Using ATMs, Exchanging Money, and More!
Best way to carry money in Mexico
When it comes to carrying money in Mexico, I recommend using an anti-theft purse. Unfortunately, pickpocketing does happen here, especially in large cities and touristy areas.
While it’s not super likely, it will give you peace of mind to take precautions against pickpockets.
With features like protection from RFID scanners, slash-proof fabric, and locking zippers, anti-theft bags are the perfect way to keep your money and valuables safe and sound.
Intrigued? Check out my list of anti-theft purses that are perfect for Mexico.
If you’d rather use something you already have, opt for a crossbody bag with a zipper that you can keep close to your body. A zipper makes it harder for thieves to access your bag without you noticing.
Since you’ll need to have change on hand all the time, bring along a separate change purse for quick and easy access. I use this one, which I picked up on Amazon.
Mexico tipping FAQs
Is it better to tip in USD or pesos?
It’s always best to tip in Mexican pesos so that workers in Mexico don’t have to spend time converting US cash to pesos at the bank.
Is tipping expected at an all-inclusive resort in Mexico?
Yes. It’s customary to tip resort staff in Mexico. Carry some pesos to tip bar staff, servers, housekeeping, concierge, and other resort staff who assist you throughout your stay.
Is tipping customary in Mexico?
Yes. Mexican culture is very much driven by tipping. Plan to tip 10-20% on meals and services, just as you would in Canada or the USA.
Is 100 pesos a good tip in Mexico?
Probably. Considering that the general daily minimum wage in Mexico is about 250 pesos, 100 pesos is quite a good bonus. Of course, many workers earn far more than minimum wage, in which case, 100 pesos may not make as big of a difference. Remember that your tip should be relative to the cost of the service you’re purchasing.
I hope you find this advice about tipping in Mexico helpful. I always find it handy to have a point of reference for tipping so I don’t accidentally offend anyone!
Mexico Travel Planning Resources
🌡️ Do I need travel insurance?
Yes! Healthcare in Mexico is affordable for minor ailments, but travel insurance will give you peace of mind if an emergency arises. Plus, you can add coverage for trip interruption, theft, etc. Get a quote from SafetyWing.
🏨 What’s the best way to find accommodation in Mexico?
I use a mix of Booking, Airbnb, and Hostelworld.
Booking.com is awesome for booking hotels and resorts, Hostelworld is great for hostels, and Airbnb specializes in apartment rentals, making it a great place to find long-term stays.
💸 How should I exchange money in Mexico?
Use local ATMS to withdraw cash. US travelers should open a Charles Schwab bank account because they’ll refund ATM fees at the end of the month.
Travelers from outside the US should open a Wise account to secure the best currency exchange rates.
📱 Where can I buy a local SIM card in Mexico?
Pick up a Telcel SIM card at any convenience store. Or, buy an Airalo eSIM online so you’re connected as soon as you land.
🗣️ Do I need to speak Spanish in Mexico?
No, but it definitely helps you feel more confident and connected.
RocketSpanish is my favorite program for learning the foundations of the language. If you’re more focused on improving your conversation skills, hire a tutor through iTalki to prep for your trip.
✈️ What’s the best way to find affordable flights?
I use Skyscanner because it makes it easy to compare rates across different travel days.
🚖 How do I find a safe airport transfer?
I recommend GetTransfer for airport transfers anywhere in Mexico.
🚗 What’s the best way to find rental cars in Mexico?
I recommend Discover Cars because they aggregate prices across rental car companies, making it easy to find competitive rates.
🚐 How do I book bus tickets online in Mexico?
Plan your routes with Rome2Rio, and book your tickets with Busbud — the site is in English and takes foreign credit cards. (Read more here)
🤿 How do I find cool activities and tours in Mexico?
I recommend Viator and Get Your Guide. Viator usually has more options, but it’s worth comparing offerings across both platforms.
🇲🇽 How can I experience Mexico like a local?
Solo female travelers can hire a local female guide through Greether. Greeters will tailor tours based on your interests— it’s basically like experiencing a destination with a local bestie!
🧳 What’s the best luggage for Mexico?
Unless you’re staying at a resort, a travel pack is recommended. I’ve used this one from Osprey for the last 8+ years.
👯♀️ How do I connect with fellow travelers in Mexico?
Join my Female Travelers in Mexico Facebook group, a supportive community of fellow Mexico travel enthusiasts, where you can find answers to all your travel questions!
Nice article. Any updates on the amounts for years later?